05 November 2020

The Cancer That Killed Lady Liberty

Some of you may have seen part of this article before. That's because I have felt this way for a very long time. Much of this I have said before, because at that time, things were as bad or worse than they have ever been but I've added some things to bring it up to date.
Every time I think things are about as bad as they are going get, they get worse. The federal government's accountability level is now at zero. The direct disregard for the constitution and violation of our rights is more blatant and in our faces now than ever. Can it get any worse?
 Tell me how much different this is than 1938 Germany. Property being stolen, bank accounts being seized, permits, fees and penalties in everything we do and innocent, peaceful citizens being injured or murdered with monotonous regularity and now, the cancer called Liberalism has all but stolen the most recent Presidential election and in so doing have made many others questionable. HOW MUCH DIFFERENT IS THIS THAN 1938 GERMANY? 
This may be the last election until after the National reboot. This election is more critical to our freedom and our future than any other election in the history of the United States. I have no expectations of Trump solving all of our problems. But I can tell you for damned sure that if we allow Biden/Harris to get in there, our troubles will have just begun.
Those that sat on their dead asses on election day and pounded your chest and bragged about what a wonderful thing you did by not voting for the "lesser of two evils" or even worse, didn't vote at all, will be largely responsible for what is about happen in this country. Go ahead and write in your favorite hero that has zero chance of getting in there. Biden and every other liberal in the country will thank you. 
Any other election in my lifetime I may have agreed with you. This is not any other election. This is the final nail. Will you help drive it?
We are currently in a war over our liberty... our GOD GIVEN liberty. Technically, we have been for some time but we have reached a point in this war where the battle lines must be more clearly defined. I don't know if everyone completely understands how bad it actually is now or how fast our liberties are deteriorating and how bad it will get in the near future. Of all the enemies that we have made around the world, the very worst one is right here at home...the Democratic Party. Primarily the liberal Democrats which, as it happens, makes up most of the party.  
Yes, I am aware of the smattering of Democrats that are, in all actuality, conservatives but they are few and far between these days This post probably doesn't apply to them.
The party itself has done more damage to our way of life and our heritage than any other single factor.
* It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how ANYONE that professes to be an American can support the Democratic Party!
* It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how ANY member of ANY minority can support the Democratic Party after what they have taken from you!
* It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how ANY blue-collar working man or woman can support the Democratic Party!
* It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how ANY man or woman that is trying to run a business can support the Democratic Party!
* It is absolutely incomprehensible to me how anyone that professes to be Christian can support the party that supports killing babies!
ARE YOU REALLY THAT STUPID? YOU are the problem with this country! YOU have become enemies of the Constitution of the United States! YOU have become an enemy to me and my family and our way of life! 
If you claim to be a liberal Democrat that clings to the tenets of the DemocraticParty, you are no friend to me or mine. If you are family, I'm sorry but we have nothing to discuss. You are not family to me if you support the idiocy that is going on in this country brought about by the cancerous, liberal trash of the left. Yeah, I'm well aware of the problems within the Republican Party as well but let's take it one step at a time.
Liberalism is NOT a political choice, it is an incurable mental illness that has done more damage to our country in the last 3 decades than our enemies have done in the last 220 years! 
No, we cannot just get along! No, we cannot work this out! No, we cannot agree to disagree!
If you have somehow managed to become a friend on social media, just go ahead and leave now. If I find out, I will unfriend you and block you.
Maybe you don't know just how damned serious I am about this! My country is falling apart and you are more to blame than any other single factor and I damned well don't appreciate it! Yes, if one were to truly repent of their idiocy and change their party affiliation and liberal ideals, I would forgive them and welcome them back with open arms but until then, consider yourselves black-balled from every aspect of my life.
If I have offended any of you, that's tough. Put on your big-kid panties and deal with it! I'm sick and damned tired of the violations of my personal rights, unconstitutional and unreasonable taxes, policies, penalties, fines rules, debt, political correctness, liability scares, invasions of my home and privacy, permits, licenses and fear of simply walking or driving down the street! The gloves are off libtards! Get out of my life, ALL of you! This is no longer simply a difference of political opinion. We can no longer just shake hands, go play golf and good-naturedly poke fun at each other until the next election. In elections gone by, maybe. Not anymore. 
Those of you who understand what America and freedom are all about and are willing to fight to maintain it, welcome brothers and sisters! Roll up your sleeves and get with it! We have a hell of a lot work to do!