26 August 2011

LIVE from Quartzsite, AZ!

"The Shooting Bench" is brought to you live from the Oathkeepers' Liberty Fest in Quartzsite, AZ!

I interviewed Mike Frye of Oathkeepers and Jennifer "Jade" Jones today. You have GOT listen to this show! Just click on the title of this post!
We will be broadcasting live all day on Saturday, 27 August starting at 0830 or so.

Cope Reynolds (Desertscout)
Southwest Weapons and Security Associates

Listen to Cope live on The Shooting Bench Mon thru Fri, 3 to 5pm MT! (5 to 7pm ET)
Podcast: The Shooting Bench

Colts and Kimbers are what you show your friends.
GLOCKS are what you show your enemies!